RIP Alan Rankine

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 Denni 05 Jan 2023

One of my favourite songs growing up!

 aln 06 Jan 2023
In reply to Denni:

Yes, sad news. All over 6music where I discovered lots of things I didn't know about him other than The Associates. Particularly his work at Stow College nurturing and producing other musicians. 

 65 06 Jan 2023
In reply to aln:

> Particularly his work at Stow College nurturing and producing other musicians. 

This stood out. Some good acts and big names came out of that, Belle and Sebastian especially. It sounds like he was a good egg.

 tony 06 Jan 2023
In reply to Denni:

Party Fears Two was a fabulous effort. I have a memory of driving along the coast road in Fife as the song was playing on the radio and cresting a hill to see a beautiful sunset just as the song reached its crescendo. I was beaming from ear to ear at the convergeance of two such perect moments.

Some of their earlier stuff was pretty remarkable. Kitchen Person and White Car in Germany were great.

Rankine's post-Associates stuff was pretty decent too, particularly The World Begins to Look Her Age.

His death also brings to mind the tragedy of Billy Mckenzie's death. Some of his post-Associates work was heartbreaking, on Memory Palace and Beyond the Sun.

Both sadly missed.

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