No more BMC area meetings this year

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 johncook 14 Aug 2023

There is an e-mail circulating that informs areas that there will be no further in-person area meetings this year, to save money!

Maybe also to stifle member input, as many of the active BMC area meeting attendees tend not to be zoom oriented! It will also reduce volunteer involvement and limit the information that is so much a part of the BMC area meetings. Added to this, the BMC are so bad at communication any useful information will probably never been seen as much of it is wrung out of the board as a result of the in-person area meetings.

 bouldery bits 14 Aug 2023
In reply to johncook:

Surely this is parody at this point. 

If I didn't need membership for ML stuff, i'd ditch it straight away. 

In reply to johncook:

This is absolute bullshit from what seems to be an out of touch BMC management. Who signed the email?

OP johncook 14 Aug 2023
In reply to Frank the Husky:

There is a screenshot of the message on BMC Watch on facebook.

(I am a bit of a pre-techno so have not managed to link the post!)

 UKB Shark 14 Aug 2023
In reply to johncook:

Link to thread here:

Was signed off by Chair and President

 Neston Climber 14 Aug 2023
In reply to johncook:

Crazy idea, enjoyed my first Area meeting at the Beacon this spring, was nice to talk to some folks I had seen around. No way I will be logging on to another zoom call in the evening though. 

 Sean Milner 14 Aug 2023
In reply to johncook:

Not 100% accurate.  There is no more funding for in person meetings for the remainder of the year but there is nothing stopping areas self funding and continuing with in person meetings for (probably) their last meeting of the year. 

 KennyG 14 Aug 2023
In reply to Sean Milner:

> nothing stopping areas self funding and continuing with in person meetings for (probably) their last meeting of the year. 

It’s a membership organisation, members already self fund the in person member meetings via their subscriptions.

 Sean Milner 14 Aug 2023
In reply to KennyG:

I'll partly concede that point.  BMC receives funding from various sources, including member subscriptions and so you could say their subscriptions help towards the cost of area meetings.  Someone more involved could quote a % of overall funding that is provided by member subscriptions.  In which case that proportion would be the accurate figure of how much is self funded currently.

I stand by my first comment saying the John isn't correct in his statement that there will be no further in person meetings this year.  Peak Area I'm convinced will remain in person.

 Andy Say 14 Aug 2023
In reply to Sean Milner:

In 2022 58% of BMC income was from subscriptions.

Not insubstantial. 

'We'll 'ave yer money. Don't expect chips...'

Post edited at 20:20
 CantClimbTom 14 Aug 2023
In reply to Sean Milner:

> Not 100% accurate.  There is no more funding for in person meetings for the remainder of the year... ...

Maybe you could get a taxi to their HQ instead, from Innsbruck, they'd  probably reimburse you for that

 Sean Milner 14 Aug 2023
In reply to Andy Say:

Thanks Andy, I didn't say it was insubstantial. 

It still doesn't change my first comment that John isn't correct in his statement that there will be no further in person meetings this year.  However they are funded.

I also do not disagree that removing the funding is a bad idea, it is.  I'd rather people reported accurately so people can be informed, that applies as much to the BMC as it does to it's members.

 bouldery bits 15 Aug 2023
In reply to CantClimbTom:


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