Keep Thirlmere Open

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 tim carruthers 02 Nov 2023

Come and show your support this Sunday, 5th November.

 RobAJones 02 Nov 2023
In reply to tim carruthers:

Not sure I trust United Utilities to do what they say or there reasons for suggesting it, but from a selfish perspective a new cycle path opening seems preferable to lots of  metal netting?

 elliptic 02 Nov 2023
In reply to RobAJones:

How would a notional bike path be better - for all users - than the quiet public road that already exists? It's a pretty blatant red herring. 

UU have been put on the back foot by the strength of local opposition and it's a welcome sign that they're starting to look for wriggle room, but the correct response is to keep on pressing both them and the council to re-open the road.

 RobAJones 02 Nov 2023
In reply to elliptic:

> How would a notional bike path be better - for all users - than the quiet public road that already exists?

Why does anyone need to drive between the carparks at Armboth and Dob Gill? That section being traffic free would be better especially for families with small children or limited mobility. 

>It's a pretty blatant red herring. 

Perhaps, but on the otherside of Dunmail I'd like the nominal overtaking lane replaced by a cycle path up from Grasmere. Some car drivers would argue that would make it worse for them. 

> UU have been put on the back foot by the strength of local opposition

In my opinion they've been taking the mick since storm Arwen 

 elliptic 02 Nov 2023
In reply to RobAJones:

> Why does anyone need to drive between the carparks at Armboth and Dob Gill? That section being traffic free would be better especially for families with small children or limited mobility. 

In the past it's served as a diversionary route for emergency services and/or local traffic when the A591 gets blocked by accidents or weather related events (which happens regularly enough). I guess it could be reinstated with gates but that still runs into the issue with Rough Crag that UU claims needs dealing with (and don't want to).

> Perhaps, but on the other side of Dunmail I'd like the nominal overtaking lane replaced by a cycle path up from Grasmere. 

I'd be in favour of any kind of provision for bikes up that stretch.

> In my opinion they've been taking the mick since storm Arwen 

No disagreement there.



"Yesterday the Keep Thirlmere Open Petition burst through the 10,000 signatures milestone. There are signs for cautious optimism that things are starting to move in the right direction. But the road still isn't open to walkers, cyclists or motorists - so this is not time to celebrate or relax. The pressure that this group have created needs to continue until the road is finally reopened." 

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