Is there a current bird ban at Clifton?

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 Andy Cairns 16 Apr 2023

Just thinking of a visit to Clifton, in Dumfries & Galloway, next week and the SMC guide says there may be a restriction in Spring.  There's nothing current on the MS website, and quite a few routes logged on here this month, so is anyone able to confirm whether a restriction is in place this year?

Thanks in advance.

Cheers,  Andy 

 petegunn 16 Apr 2023
In reply to Andy Cairns:

I've heard that there is a peregrine nesting on the Twin Cracks Buttress so only climbing up to the Main Wall Buttress to avoid disturbance on that section of crag.

OP Andy Cairns 16 Apr 2023
In reply to petegunn:

Thanks a lot for that - seems to leave plenty to go at, so we'll see what the weather does. 

Cheers, Andy 

 fuzzysheep01 16 Apr 2023
In reply to Andy Cairns:

Went the other day and absolutely no sign of currently nesting birds on the main wall area, hollowstones or jigsaw buttress. Didn't explore any further along than main wall. Saw a couple of old, vacated nests around, but certainly nothing current.

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