BMC RAD site wont let me post comment

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 LakesWinter 28 Apr 2023

Hi all,

I saw a bird of prey nesting in the Rocky Valley at Ilkley yesterday around buttress 4. I've tried many times to add this information to the RAD site but it won't let me post my comments and the form on the BMC site to report this issue doesn't have a submit button and won't submit. This is really frustrating!!! Can anyone assist in any way please?

 Godwin 28 Apr 2023
In reply to LakesWinter:

RAD is pretty crap compared to the functionality of UKC, but the office is usually pretty sharp.
If you are concerned email the BMC office giving details, also create a post in Rocktalk titled "Birds Nesting Rocky Valley Ilkley" and leave a note on the Crag Notes on UKC

 spenser 28 Apr 2023
In reply to LakesWinter:

The list of access reps is here, they can update the RAD.

OP LakesWinter 29 Apr 2023
In reply to spenser:

Cheers, I've emailed the rep.

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