Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift - may contain spoilers

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 elsewhere 23 Jul 2022

Sunday 24th July to Sunday 31st July.

Streaming coverage, details below from

"The 2022 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift will be broadcast in the United Kingdom and around Europe on Eurosport as well as streaming on Discovery+ which carries Eurosport's live coverage. A subscription to Discovery+ costs £6.99/$9.15 per month, or £59.99/$78.51 for a 12-month pass.

The races will be aired in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and in select other territories on GCN+, with a year’s subscription costing £39.99.

Le Col Wahoo announced that they have purchased 10,000 GCN+ passes to hand out to fans across the UK, so that they can watch the race free of charge. Headed under the tagline #MoreEyesOnHer, the initiative aims to raise awareness of the thrilling spectacle that is women’s road racing and inspire watchers to take up the sport themselves."

 Pedro50 24 Jul 2022
In reply to elsewhere:

A shame that "raising awareness" of women's cycling doesn't include some free to air coverage. Presumably the TV rights would cost a lot less than the men's.

Post edited at 12:56
In reply to Pedro50:

Why show it on ITV4 when you can show a repeat of the professionals instead…

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