Winter Comes to Glen Coe

I knew a shot I wanted, it wasn't a very original shot, and in fact the subject is probably the most photographed landscape in the UK. I have loads of photos of his iconic mountain but I wanted a ...winter shot with the Bookle and its Moat (the River Coupall). So a late change in forecast around Thursday night showed a short settled spell arriving on Saturday after a few days of snow. It even showed clear skies for the morning, even better, I would also get the sun rising in to the bargain. So Research done, maps pored over, sun calculated, reports read, previous photos studied and I was off in the car by 0500AM ? Ouch

17 Dec, 2015
Bloomin' brilliant! The photos, the making of, the scenery ... All of it!
17 Dec, 2015
Lovely shots but please do me a favour and change 'Bookle' to its proper spelling. It really roasts my chestnuts.
18 Dec, 2015
Very watchable. Great photos too, well done!
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