Andy Parkin - A Life in Adaptation

17 Dec, 2016
Looks like the appeal has started well. I remember years ago Mountain Equipment did a T shirt with a print of one of Andy's pictures on the back ( The Dru think). I always thought that was such a cool T shirt and wore it to death until it fell to pieces. If Andy was up for it maybe ME could re-issue it with the bulk of proceeds going to the appeal? I'm sure it would sell well again. Just a thought!
19 Dec, 2016
That's a great idea.
22 Dec, 2016
Thanks all for the Likes - have emailed ME - let's see!
23 Dec, 2016
Looks like ME already had same idea - Richard Bailey from ME reckons they should have a T shirt with one of Andy's Cerro Torre paintings on the back out in Feb, to help contribute to the appeal. Result!!
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