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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 9 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Burbage South Edge, Black Rocks, Brassington (Rainster Rocks), Tintwistle Knarr, Carl Wark, Hallam View Buttress, Private Buttress, Pinders Rock, Brassington, Jeffcoat's Pinnacle

Photo Gallery


© Cheque Pictures

Through the Kay hole

Through the Kay hole
© Cheque Pictures

Nearly Teatime

Nearly Teatime
© Cheque Pictures

One small step for a man...

One small step for a man...
© Cheque Pictures

Viewer discretion advised

Viewer discretion advised
© Cheque Pictures

Curbar inversion

Curbar inversion
© Cheque Pictures

Looking for the pebbles

Looking for the pebbles
© Cheque Pictures

Penny for your thoughts?

Penny for your thoughts?
© Cheque Pictures

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I've voted for 877 photos, average vote 3.3.
(24% superb - 25% good - 19% average - 15% poor - 15% rubbish)

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