Owen W-G

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H'some, 40-something, scorpio, 6', sometime-moustached half-Welsh southern softie, wall-bred former fair weather weekend trad warrior turned opportunistic family man turned Somerset local, mostly clipping bolts these days. BMC Cheddar guy. Always keen to climb in new places and with new people.

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Photo Gallery

Summer solstice ascent of A Midsummer Night's Dream

Summer solstice ascent of A Midsummer Night's Dream
© Owen W-G

Lucky Strike, nearly there

Lucky Strike, nearly there
© Ruth

Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike
© Ruth

The Norseman, Torrey Canyon Cliffs

The Norseman, Torrey Canyon Cliffs
© Owen W-G

Flying Buttress Direct

Flying Buttress Direct
© Owen W-G

Pavol higher on Cool for Cats

Pavol higher on Cool for Cats
© Owen W-G

Unknown climber on Nonsuch

Unknown climber on Nonsuch
© Owen W-G

Batt Crack

Batt Crack
© Owen W-G

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