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Ama Dablam at dawn

Ama Dablam at dawn
© nickg_oxford

Rapelling the bergschrund after Aiguille de la Tsa

Rapelling the bergschrund after Aiguille de la Tsa
© nickg_oxford

Glovers Chimney

Glovers Chimney
© nickg_oxford

Les Drus

Les Drus
© nickg_oxford

Somewhere in the Swiss Alps - 2013

Somewhere in the Swiss Alps - 2013
© nickg_oxford

Midnight sun, Vagakallen nordriggen, Lofoten

Midnight sun, Vagakallen nordriggen, Lofoten
© nickg_oxford

Aiguille de la Tsa, Arolla

Aiguille de la Tsa, Arolla
© nickg_oxford


© nickg_oxford

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Anything Else We Should Know
Dinner party guests would include Bill Tilman, Robin Smith, Humphry Lyttleton, Ernest Shackleton and Bill Wager

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