Grahame N

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About My Photography
I have the job of collecting photos for SMC guidebooks. So if you're interested in making a few quid from your photos then have a look at the SMC website to check which guides are coming up, and where to send your photos
I occasionally take the odd snap myself.

Photo Gallery

An early ascent of Crocodile, Glen Coe

An early ascent of Crocodile, Glen Coe
© Grahame N

Ritchie's Gully on a dull January day.

Ritchie's Gully on a dull January day.
© Grahame N

Airy Interlude, The Needles, California,    Solo

Airy Interlude, The Needles, California, Solo
© Grahame N

Cenotaph Corner

Cenotaph Corner
© Grahame N

Small moon over Ben Nevis!

Small moon over Ben Nevis!
© Grahame N

Under the Great Roof

Under the Great Roof
© Grahame N

Shibboleth silhouette

Shibboleth silhouette
© Grahame N

Wide Eyed, Kilt Rock, Skye

Wide Eyed, Kilt Rock, Skye
© Grahame N

Click to view Grahame N's gallery. (93 photos)
Chosen as the Featured Gallery on 29-Nov-10.
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Click to list photo comments written by me. (79 comments)
I've voted for 2,128 photos, average vote 4.3.
(43% superb - 45% good - 8% average - 1% poor - 0% rubbish)

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