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Enjoyed climbing for the last 20 odd years, moved to Sheffield 7 years ago to climb and drink more, work gets in the way but I always have a plan. Biggest ambition in climbing is not to have 1989 as my best climbing year. Ever the optimist "the best is yet to come"

Ambition update. Think I can now call 2010 my best year so far, plan 2011: Complete masters degree by July the 31st then get really strong. New ambition not to have 2010 as my best year!!


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Excellent conditions on the downfall

Excellent conditions on the downfall
© Gambit

Crucial Stretch

Crucial Stretch
© Gambit

Latching the top hold at full psychological stretch

Latching the top hold at full psychological stretch
© Gambit

Bourney on grit

Bourney on grit
© Gambit

Adam (aged 8) making a rapid descent at Canche

Adam (aged 8) making a rapid descent at Canche
© Gambit


© Gambit

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