Hamish Frost

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Robbie Phillips climbing a perfect gabbro splitter crack during the first ascent of 'The Last Queen of Scotland'

Robbie Phillips climbing a perfect gabbro splitter crack during the first ascent of 'The Last Queen of Scotland'
© Hamish Frost

Sunset in Glen Nevis at the end of day's climbing on Aonach Beag

Sunset in Glen Nevis at the end of day's climbing on Aonach Beag
© Hamish Frost

Atmospheric conditions on the Midi. Callum Johnson near the top of the first pitch of L'Enfer du Décor.

Atmospheric conditions on the Midi. Callum Johnson near the top of the first pitch of L'Enfer du Décor.
© Hamish Frost

Jamie Skelton climbing the overhanging third pitch of 'Hung, Drawn & Quartered' on Am Basteir

Jamie Skelton climbing the overhanging third pitch of 'Hung, Drawn & Quartered' on Am Basteir
© Hamish Frost

Guy Robertson and Greg Boswell on the third pitch of their new winter line on Bidean nam Bian

Guy Robertson and Greg Boswell on the third pitch of their new winter line on Bidean nam Bian
© Hamish Frost

Callum Johnson on 'Land of the Lost and Found'

Callum Johnson on 'Land of the Lost and Found'
© Hamish Frost

Retracing our steps along a mile long length of ridge above 6000m in the Salimor Khola region

Retracing our steps along a mile long length of ridge above 6000m in the Salimor Khola region
© Hamish Frost

Jamie Skelton climbing the overhanging third pitch of 'Hung, Drawn & Quartered' on Am Basteir

Jamie Skelton climbing the overhanging third pitch of 'Hung, Drawn & Quartered' on Am Basteir
© Hamish Frost

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