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Yorkshire somewhere

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 2 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Jegihorn, Torre del Formenton

Photo Gallery

Golden hour on Hovis (E1) at Crookrise

Golden hour on Hovis (E1) at Crookrise
© David

Great Western (HVS 5a)

Great Western (HVS 5a)
© Chris Whitehead

Chris Whitehead contemplating the crux of Left Wall

Chris Whitehead contemplating the crux of Left Wall
© Wizzy

Gargoyle Flake (VS 4C) in the Winter sun

Gargoyle Flake (VS 4C) in the Winter sun
© Wizzy

Birk crag, Harrogate taken on I phone 5s

Birk crag, Harrogate taken on I phone 5s
© Wizzy

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I've voted for 891 photos, average vote 4.6.
(80% superb - 11% good - 2% average - 0% poor - 4% rubbish)

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