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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 5 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Hallinds Klack, Broberg, Tuntorpsklippan, Hollandarod, Windy Knoll Cave

Photo Gallery

Nicklas powering through the final section of Stone Temple Pilot (N6+/E2?) at Skärkäll, Bohuslän.

Nicklas powering through the final section of Stone Temple Pilot (N6+/E2?) at Skärkäll, Bohuslän.
© David Boothroyd

Elliot on Fisherman's Dyno

Elliot on Fisherman's Dyno
© David Boothroyd

Tom sneaking away from the exposure on North West Arete, Gimmer

Tom sneaking away from the exposure on North West Arete, Gimmer
© Droyd

Andy enjoying the lonely finish of The Ivory Tower, Kinder South

Andy enjoying the lonely finish of The Ivory Tower, Kinder South
© Droyd

Nicklas setting off up the groove of Stone Temple Pilot (N6+/E2) at Skärkäll, Bohuslän.

Nicklas setting off up the groove of Stone Temple Pilot (N6+/E2) at Skärkäll, Bohuslän.
© David Boothroyd

Stretching to get some gear in on the final section of Long Tall Sally, Burbage North

Stretching to get some gear in on the final section of Long Tall Sally, Burbage North
© David Boothroyd

Hampus on the crux of Mallorol (N6/E1) at Häller, Bohuslän.

Hampus on the crux of Mallorol (N6/E1) at Häller, Bohuslän.
© David Boothroyd

Joe soloing the last pitch of Little Chamonix at the end of a great day in Borrowdale

Joe soloing the last pitch of Little Chamonix at the end of a great day in Borrowdale
© David Boothroyd

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