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From the top of pitch two of grey slab, looking back down Cwm Idwal and into Nant Ffrancon.

From the top of pitch two of grey slab, looking back down Cwm Idwal and into Nant Ffrancon.
© Blake

The traverse of Saxon, with Cape Cornwall and the man in the bath in the background

The traverse of Saxon, with Cape Cornwall and the man in the bath in the background
© Blake

Glowing descent after a glorious winters day at Ramshaw

Glowing descent after a glorious winters day at Ramshaw
© Blake

Trust - a brief blast of saturated sunlight before the weather drifted up from the Cheshire Plain.

Trust - a brief blast of saturated sunlight before the weather drifted up from the Cheshire Plain.
© Blake

A seldom climbed but excellent line on bwlch y moch

A seldom climbed but excellent line on bwlch y moch
© Blake

Penultimate pitch on the classic Ardverdeekineekie Wall

Penultimate pitch on the classic Ardverdeekineekie Wall
© Blake

Missing chunk of rock from the crux. Can’t be sure but I think there’s a foothold missing?

Missing chunk of rock from the crux. Can’t be sure but I think there’s a foothold missing?
© Blake

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