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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 38 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Sron na Ciche, Tête Blanche, Pointes de Mourti, Mount Paldor, Iseler, Dents de Rosses, Diechterhorn, Gross Spannort, Chli Schijen, Sasso d'Ortiga ... plus 28 more

Photo Gallery

Sunset over Elidir Fawr

Sunset over Elidir Fawr
© Lou

Rainbow from the Chimney

Rainbow from the Chimney
© Tarquin

Awkward Step on No3 Gully Buttress

Awkward Step on No3 Gully Buttress
© Tarquin

Lou topping out

Lou topping out
© Tarquin

The hedge continues!

The hedge continues!
© Tarquin

Stubbsy making it look easy

Stubbsy making it look easy
© Tarquin

Lou coming up the loose chimney on Pitch 4

Lou coming up the loose chimney on Pitch 4
© Tarquin

Simon on Pitch 5 of Mignonette

Simon on Pitch 5 of Mignonette
© Tarquin

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I've voted for 20 photos, average vote 4.5.
(65% superb - 25% good - 5% average - 0% poor - 5% rubbish)

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