Mal Grey

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Formerly a regular grit climber now lost in the climbing wilderness that is Surrey! Still try to make it to the hills every winter, but more likely to be found in an open canoe for the rest of the year.


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Photo Gallery

Beinn Alligin from near Loch Damh

Beinn Alligin from near Loch Damh
© Mal Grey

Sunset in Rogen

Sunset in Rogen
© Mal Grey

Uags Bothy

Uags Bothy
© Mal Grey

The view from Eilean Mor, Loch Sionasgaig

The view from Eilean Mor, Loch Sionasgaig
© Mal Grey

Loch Glencoul at sunset

Loch Glencoul at sunset
© Mal Grey

Oster Rodsjon, Rogen, Sweden

Oster Rodsjon, Rogen, Sweden
© Mal Grey

Camasunary, with Gars-Bheinn beyond

Camasunary, with Gars-Bheinn beyond
© Mal Grey

Suilven from Loch Sionasgaig

Suilven from Loch Sionasgaig
© Mal Grey

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Anything Else We Should Know
Climbing seems to have dropped by the wayside, but I spend as much time as possible outdoors, canoeing, biking and walking. I've also started taking my writing and photography more seriously, even to the extent of building my own website and starting a blog. Follow the Webpage link if interested, please treat me kindly its my first attempt!

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