Contributed by CHayes Mar/19 - This public hilllist has been seen 595 times

V3-V5 and the odd lower

Boysen's Groove.  © Mark Bullock
Boysen's Groove.
© Mark Bullock, Apr 2014

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Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Conan the Librarian

Conan the Librarian

Boysen's Groove.

Boysen's groove
Boysen's Groove.
© Mark Bullock

John Thursby-Pelham enjoying the evening light on Mother Cap.

Conan the Librarian
John Thursby-Pelham enjoying the evening light on Mother Cap.
© @samtaylorphotos

Jenn sending the classic Boysen's Groove (V3/4)

Boysen's groove
Jenn sending the classic Boysen's Groove (V3/4)
© TRNovice

Drawing a crowd

Conan the Librarian
Drawing a crowd
© KGshoots

Have you got the minerals?

Conan the Librarian
Have you got the minerals?
© mattdarli92

Becky on Conan the librarian

Conan the Librarian
Becky on Conan the librarian
© belay bunny turned bad

Boysen's Groove

Boysen's groove
Boysen's Groove
© Fresher

Mother Cap on a windy January day - with the line of Conan the Librarian centre

Conan the Librarian
Mother Cap on a windy January day - with the line of Conan the Librarian centre
© TRNovice

Boysen's groove

Boysen's groove
© cloud72


Conan the Librarian
© Chazz

James Hisket on Conan the Librarian f6B+

Conan the Librarian
James Hisket on Conan the Librarian f6B+
© sammpratt

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Boysen's groove V4 *** 393 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Conan the Librarian f6B+ *** 755 ? Mother Cap and...
6 stars 1,148 ? 2
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