Contributed by paulpitcher Jul/14 - This public hilllist has been seen 2,458 times

Devil's Slide in the rain. Not a climb I wanted to do at that particular moment  © just wanna climb
Devil's Slide in the rain. Not a climb I wanted to do at that particular moment
© just wanna climb

14 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st babymoac 50% 25 May, 2019
2nd rogerskews 40% 2000
3rd Tim M 30% 10 Aug, 2012
3rd mattfarr 30% 1 Aug, 2017
3rd Gordon W 30% 23 Jun, 2019
4th thrutch 20% Aug, 2013
4th badgerjockey 20% 5 Sep, 2023
5th DMC 10% 18 Aug, 2015
5th joe king 10% 2 May, 2003

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Neil McCallum on Prophecy of Drowning

Prophecy of Drowning
Neil McCallum on Prophecy of Drowning
© Mike Hutton

An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy

The Devil's Slide
An exhilarating solo of The Devil's Slide, my 400ft intro to Lundy
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

Clawing my way out of the coffin slot.

East Face Route (Original Route)
Clawing my way out of the coffin slot.
© Gavin James

Descending the Old Man of Hoy

East Face Route (Original Route)
Descending the Old Man of Hoy
© Kirsty McGhie-Fraser

Looking down Integrity to Collie's route and the Cioch

Looking down Integrity to Collie's route and the Cioch
© tomdude

The final knife edge on Skeleton Ridge

Skeleton Ridge
The final knife edge on Skeleton Ridge
© Bob M

James and Leah soaking up the exposure on "Prophecy of Drowning" E2-5c.

Prophecy of Drowning
James and Leah soaking up the exposure on "Prophecy of Drowning" E2-5c.
© Smelly Fox

Dave Percy leading the crux pitch of Original Route E1 5b Old man of Hoy

East Face Route (Original Route)
Dave Percy leading the crux pitch of Original Route E1 5b Old man of Hoy
© higherclimbingwales

Neil McGeachy having a interesting time on Prophecy of Drowning, after forgetfully abseiling in with only one 8mm rope. Oops.

Prophecy of Drowning
Neil McGeachy having a interesting time on Prophecy of Drowning, after forgetfully abseiling in with only one 8mm rope. Oops.
© neil the weak

Loving the exposure.

Skeleton Ridge
Loving the exposure.
© Col Kingshott


© RobertMacKenzie

Rock, Sea and Air an evening ab of the Old Man

East Face Route (Original Route)
Rock, Sea and Air an evening ab of the Old Man
© Alex Hyde

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Skeleton Ridge HVS 4c *** 73 160m • 6 The Needles
Integrity VS 4c *** 884 76m • 2 Sron na Ciche
The Devil's Slide HS 4a *** 1502 117m • 5 Lundy
Prophecy of Drowning E2 5c *** 291 115m • 4 Pabbay
Sou'wester Slabs VD *** 796 110m • 5 Cir Mhor
East Face Route (Original Route) E1 5b 839 130m • 5 (Old Man of) Hoy
Dark Island E3 6a ** 11 15m Yesnaby
Lighthouse Arete VS 4b ** 1955 ? Gogarth South Stack
Sula E2 5b * 187 100m • 3 Mingulay
Gardener's Question Time HVS 5a - ? Uragaig
8 e, 20 stars 6,538 823m 33
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