Contributed by fatchild Aug/23 - This public hilllist has been seen 751 times

12 of the best in 12 different styles.

From the guidebook. Thanks to the writers!

- Some of them are not on UKC, so I will need to add the routes.
- UKC uses english names and the book uses welsh names so there could be incorrect climbs on here.

Not sure if this is the correct climb
- Le Grand Bleu 6B+! Coed Ty'n Graig (In book), The one used in the list is
Pigo Pocad 6A+ Trefeini (In Book), The one used in the list is

- if you know what they should be

Cannot find this climb in the UKC Database
- A. Reads Rescue 7B+ Cranfant
- Piledriver 7A Craig y Clipiau
- Nez's Prow 6C! Bryntyrch
- The Prow 6B Y Don
- Miles Off 6B+ Creigiau'r Garth
- Pump station zebra 7B Tanygrisiau
- Black Rider F7c Castell Cidwm

Winter bouldering  © jethro kiernan
Winter bouldering
© jethro kiernan, Jan 2024

10 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
Login as Existing User to subscribe, which will show the climbs you've already ticked.

User Percentage Latest Log
1st Osian Parry 28% 7 Jun
2nd DaveFidler 19% 16 Jun
3rd Ben2004 13% 14 Jul
4th Ross Barker 10% 21 Jul
5th fatchild 3% 9 Oct, 2023
6th Charlie Noakes 2% 21 Sep, 2019
7th Hidden 2% 21 Jul
8th joemg 1% 19 Apr

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Beautiful evening light on 'The Cairn'

The Cairn
Beautiful evening light on 'The Cairn'
© Jordan Buys

Come on Andy, you're not trying.

Caseg Groove
Come on Andy, you're not trying.
© Niall Grimes

No tendons? No problem. Pursuing routes that don't need fingers at Craig y Gesail

Randy Roof
No tendons? No problem. Pursuing routes that don't need fingers at Craig y Gesail
© Aaron Evans

Tormented Evaporation

Tormented Evaporation
© Fresher

Boysen's Groove.

Boysen's groove
Boysen's Groove.
© Mark Bullock

No tendons? No problem. Pursuing routes that don't need fingers at Craig y Gesail

Randy Roof
No tendons? No problem. Pursuing routes that don't need fingers at Craig y Gesail
© Aaron Evans

Sam contemplating the crux

Jerry's Roof
Sam contemplating the crux
© Caradog

360 degree views on the classic Dolman!

360 degree views on the classic Dolman!
© KGshoots

Tina making shapes on the Panton Memorial Traverse

Panton Memorial Traverse
Tina making shapes on the Panton Memorial Traverse
© Bloke on a Rope

Milestone Roof

Milestone Roof
© Fresher

Jenn sending the classic Boysen's Groove (V3/4)

Boysen's groove
Jenn sending the classic Boysen's Groove (V3/4)
© TRNovice

giving Lloyd a spot on Oh Yeah V5. Caseg Fraith Boulder, North Wales

Oh Yeah
giving Lloyd a spot on Oh Yeah V5. Caseg Fraith Boulder, North Wales
© pete24

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Mur Gwyn f8A *** 1 ? Gallt yr Ogof...
The Padarn Face f7C *** 1 ? Craig yr Undeb...
The Cube f7B+ ** 6 ? Ciwb siwgr
Silence of the rams f7B 2 ? Craig Y Hyrddod
Mur Pen Clegir f7A+ ** 26 ? Clegir Boulders
Wall of The Worlds f7A *** 6 ? Creigiau'r...
Covid f6C+ *** 17 ? Fachwen Boulders
Le Grand Bleu f6C *** 17 ? Fontainefawr
Bendigeidfran f6B *** 61 ? Tanygrisiau Boulders
Pigo Pocad Llaw Chwith f6A+ ** 3 ? The Sidings
Big Red Riding Hood f6A *** 7 ? Clogwyn y Bustach
Rockover Wall f5 ** 9 ? Clogwyn y Tarw (The...
Wedgie Wall f8B ** 1 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Honour Among Thieves f8A+ *** 3 ? Craig Las
Llechog Wall f7C *** - ? Llechog
Zeno f7C *** 14 ? Clogwyn Du'r...
Ride the Wild Smurfette sds (new beta) f7B+ ** 15 ? Rhiw Goch Boulders
Chummer's Wall V7 ** 1 ? Moel y Gest Quarry
Voie Normale ss V6 *** 146 ? Craig y Llyn
Broken Wave f7A ** 5 ? The wave
Appauled V5 *** 44 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Central left hand start V4 ** 111 ? Carreg Hyll-Drem
The cost of Living f6A *** 120 ? Gallt yr Ogof...
Madame Allure f8B *** 3 ? Afon Lloer Boulders
La Large Large f8A ** 2 ? Fontainefawr
The Arbiter f7C+ *** 7 ? Gorlan (The Sheep...
Lockdown Sit-start f7C+ *** 6 ? Fachwen Boulders
Mcdove the midnight burper f7B+ ** 5 ? Creigiau'r...
The Hand Rails of Crib Goch f7A+ ** 72 ? Cwm Glas Bach...
Crib Anafon Llaw Chwith f7A+ ** 1 4m Anafon
Don't think, Drink V7 * 104 ? Caseg Boulder
Generation Suck f6C+ ** 17 ? Fachwen Boulders
Whos Afraid Of Virginia Woolf V5 * 34 ? Braichmelyn Bach...
Jurgen's Pillar f6A+ ** 2 ? Pant Ifan Bouldering
Paul's Arete f5+ ** 64 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
The Mammoth f8A *** 8 ? Elephantitus Cave
Chossconnaissance f8A ** 7 ? Sleepy Hollow...
Bara Brith Low f7C+ * 25 ? Clogwyn y Bustach
Humble Pie Disorder f7C+ ** 1 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Roof Of A Baby Buddha V10 *** 120 ? Maes Newyddion Woods
Disasterpiece f7C+ ** 17 ? Cromlech boulders
Jerry's Roof f7C *** 457 ? Cromlech boulders
Ratt Roof f7B+ *** 23 ? Crafnant bouldering
Si’s Roof Start f7A+ ** 5 ? Dinas Mot
Meadow Roof f6C ** 88 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Hongian f6B ** 9 ? Carreg y Foel Gron
Milestone Roof f6A ** 75 ? Milestone Buttress...
Willy Two Goes f7B+ *** 11 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Weird Fish V7 ** 6 7m Idwall Quarry / Tin...
Spiderpig f7A *** 27 ? Craig Nant y Fedw
Frost Bite f6C+ ** 13 ? Crafnant bouldering
Ryan's Slab f6C+ ** 17 ? Caseg Fraith Boulder
Standing Loon Only V5 *** 10 ? Standing Loon Only...
White Slob f6B+ ** 2 ? Clegir Boulders
Idwal Slab f6B *** 127 ? Idwal Cottage Crag
Smearcats f6A *** 54 ? Pant Ifan Bouldering
The Rat f5+ ** 33 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Tramwyiad Llech Caseg Uchaf f5 ** 18 ? Caseg Boulder
Randy Roof f7A ** 3 ? Craig Y Gesail...
American Monster Crack f7A *** 25 ? Pant Ifan Bouldering
George's Crack f7A *** 19 ? Afon Lloer Boulders
Black Country Crack 5.12b ** 3 3m Parc Dudley
Big Bad Bari f6C ** 5 ? Mallory Boulder
Running Jam f6C ** 2 ? Mallory Boulder
Crackhouse f6C ** 3 ? Creigiau'r...
The Teyrn Roof Crack V4 ** 3 ? Cwm Dyli Boulders
Meadow Crack f6A ** 71 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Fist Crack f5+ ** 10 ? Cwm Glas Bach...
Dwylo y fyny f5+ * 20 ? Tanygrisiau Boulders
Devil's Blade f8A *** 1 ? Idwal Slabs (aka...
The Stealing Arm f7B+ *** 2 ? Pant Ifan Bouldering
Crafnant Arete f7A+ *** 21 ? Crafnant bouldering
Trippin Wildstyle f7A+ 4 ? Creigiau'r...
Throbbin's Arete V7 ** 6 ? Craig Y Llwyfan
The Seven Pillars V7 ** 23 ? Moel y Gest Quarry
Trwsgl Arete f7A *** 10 ? Cwm Trwsgl Boulders
Bloodscream f6C *** 26 ? Carreg yr Ogof
Harris's Arête f6B *** 22 ? Fachwen Boulders
Inside Edge f6A+ *** 1 ? Cwm Silyn Boulder
Dolmen f5+ *** 51 ? Tal y Fan
G Spot Arete RH f4+ 13 ? Pac man boulders
Press or Drop f7C *** 8 ? Moel y Gest Quarry
Kris' Groove SS f7B ** 7 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Caseg Groove V5 *** 215 ? Caseg Boulder
The Moose's Toothpaste f6C+ ** 53 ? Gravestones/ Hidden...
Harris' Groove Sit-start f6C+ ** 32 ? Fachwen Boulders
Lordy, Lordy V5 *** 103 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Huffy's Groove f6C ** 1 ? Cwm y Foel
Trwsgl Groove f6B+ *** 4 ? Cwm Trwsgl Boulders
Yellow Wall f6B+ ** 119 ? Craig yr Undeb...
Boysen's groove V4 *** 393 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Electrophillia f6B * 13 ? Braichmelyn Boulder
The Groove f6A ** 9 ? Caeddafydd
Isles of Wonder f8B *** 12 ? Carreg Mianog...
The Cairn f8A *** 8 ? Mallory Boulder
Anweledig f7C+ ** 1 3m Chwarel Manod
Don't Think, Feel f7C ** 33 ? Caseg Boulder
Bustach Prow f7B+ ** 79 ? Clogwyn y Bustach
Fontainefawr f7B *** 9 ? Fontainefawr
Hipoposaurus f7A+ *** 14 ? Lakeside Boulders...
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest f7A *** 4 6m Creigiau'r...
The Gesail Prow f6B+ ** 2 ? Craig Y Gesail...
Iron Lung f5+ ** 13 ? Clegir Boulders
Downset V11 * 2 ? Elephantitus Cave
The Shocker V8+ *** 7 ? Beddgelert Forest....
King of the Swingers f7B+ *** 4 4m Clogwyn y Wenallt
Silver Fox f7B+ ** 2 3m Parc Dudley
Ug's Dyno f7A+ ** 10 ? Clogwyn Du'r...
Nodder's Dyno f7A ** 2 ? Cwm Glas Bach...
Oh Yeah f6C+ ** 210 ? Caseg Fraith Boulder
RuPaul's Dyno Race f6C ** 10 ? Afon Lloer Boulders
Dan’s Dyno sds f6C ** 9 ? Moel y Gest Quarry
Blair Witch f6B ** - ? Plas y Brenin...
Johnny's Jump f7A ** 18 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
The Big Smile f7C+ *** 17 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Louisville Lip V10 ** 15 ? Bogside Boulder
Mr Your on Fire Mr f7B+ ** 4 ? Craig Y Llwyfan
Crusade f7B+ 1 ? Cwm y Foel
Boss Spot f7C *** 2 ? Beddgelert Forest
Panton Memorial Traverse f7A+ *** 33 ? Lakeside Boulders...
Tormented Evaporation V7 ** 91 ? Milestone Buttress...
Pengo's Roof f7A+ *** 9 ? Gideon Quarries...
Fear of a Slopey Planet V6 ** 88 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Riley's Arete (Stand Start) f6B+ * 33 ? Crafnant bouldering
Phils roof V4 *** 26 ? Craig y Castell...
Big Iron World f6B+ 1 ? Vivian Quarry
The Super Collider 8b+ *** 1 ? Bryn y Dyfrgi
Full Roadside V9 ** 11 ? Cromlech boulders
Special K f7C *** 85 ? Crafnant bouldering
Domestos Injection f7B+ ** - ? Clegir Boulders
Barrel Traverse V9 ** 44 ? Dinas Mot
The Lintonator f7A * 6 ? Fachwen Boulders
Utopia Traverse V6 ** 88 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Yellow Wall Traverse f6C+ * 42 ? Craig yr Undeb...
'Nam Traverse f6A+ ** 21 ? Clogwyn y Bustach
Crad's Trav f5 ** 19 ? Carreg y Foel Gron
307 stars 4,473 30m 136
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