Contributed by Tricadam Jul/14 - This public hilllist has been seen 8,020 times

The climbs and hillwalks described in WH Murray's seminal work, Mountaineering in Scotland.

(UKC only lists winter versions of some of the routes that were climbed in non-winter conditions: Slav Route, Rubicon Wall, Parallel Buttress. Bell's Groove on Cir Mhor isn't listed on UKC.)

Near the end on the traverse  © RBonney
Near the end on the traverse
© RBonney, May 2024

75 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 80% 3 Apr, 2018
2nd drew8connelly 57% 2014
2nd Chris Pearson 57% 30 Aug, 2001
3rd johnkeith 53% 1997
3rd Craggy 53% 20 May
4th Hidden 50% 6 Mar, 2016
4th Hidden 50% 26 May, 2013
5th Hidden 46% 24 Feb
6th masa-alpin 42% 26 Feb, 2020
6th LucaC 42% 7 Mar

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!
© Gabe Oliver

Approaching the gap

Tower Ridge
Approaching the gap

Eastern Traverse Tower Ridge

Tower Ridge
Eastern Traverse Tower Ridge
© rusty8850

Sunrise on the second day of our traverse

Cuillin Ridge Traverse (Summer)
Sunrise on the second day of our traverse
© henrygiles99

Chris approaching the pinnacles of the Aonach Eagach ridge, in spectacular winter condition.

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Chris approaching the pinnacles of the Aonach Eagach ridge, in spectacular winter condition.
© Andrew Marshall

Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!
© Gabe Oliver

A blustery teeter along the Eastern Traverse

Tower Ridge
A blustery teeter along the Eastern Traverse
© henrygiles99

Rich Cross on the crux pitch of Slav Route

Slav Route
Rich Cross on the crux pitch of Slav Route
© george mc

gardyloo gully in lean conditions

Gardyloo Gully
gardyloo gully in lean conditions
© stewart barton

Big Ben

Slav Route
Big Ben
© Al Todd

Ben Nevis from the Aonach Eagach during a night traverse.

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Ben Nevis from the Aonach Eagach during a night traverse.
© Hugh Simons

An incredible sunset inversion abseiling (off the photogenic side) of the Inn Pinn on a 2 day traverse.

Cuillin Ridge Traverse (Summer)
An incredible sunset inversion abseiling (off the photogenic side) of the Inn Pinn on a 2 day traverse.
© ian_doctor

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Cioch Direct S 4a * 653 150m • 5 Sron na Ciche
Crack of Doom HS 4b * 22 ? Sron na Ciche
Slav Route VI 5 ** 62 ? Ben Nevis
Agag's Groove (Summer) VD *** 2232 105m • 4 Buachaille Etive Mor
Deep-Cut Chimney (Winter) IV 4 *** 165 ? Bidean nam Bian -...
Rubicon Wall V 5 *** 34 ? Ben Nevis
Collie's Route V2 * 5 ? Coire Lagan Boulders
King's Chimney VD *** 542 25m Sgurr Mhic Choinnich
North Buttress - West Route (Winter) IV 4 *** 736 300m Buachaille Etive Mor
Clachaig Gully (Summer) S *** 175 520m Aonach Eagach -...
Observatory Ridge V 4 *** 224 420m Ben Nevis
SC Gully III ** 463 150m Bidean nam Bian -...
Parallel Buttress (Winter) VI 6 *** 19 270m • 6 Lochnagar
Tower Ridge IV 3 *** 2026 800m Ben Nevis
B2C Rib VD 5 67m Cir Mhor
Cuillin Ridge Traverse (Summer) VD *** 1384 ? Cuillin Ridge...
Clach Glas - Blabheinn Traverse (Summer) D *** 645 ? Bla Bheinn
Gardyloo Gully II * 411 ? Ben Nevis
Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter) II *** 1552 ? Aonach Eagach -...
Raven's Gully (Summer) HVS *** 52 ? Buachaille Etive Mor
Crypt Route VD * 222 ? Bidean nam Bian
Crowberry Gully (Winter) III 4 *** 437 300m • 5 Buachaille Etive Mor
The Devil's Point summit 368 1,004m The Devil's...
Cairn Toul summit 450 1,291m Cairn Toul
Sgor an Lochain Uaine (The Angel's Peak) summit 452 1,258m Sgor an Lochain...
Braeriach summit 563 1,296m Braeriach
51 stars 13,899 7,956m 42
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