Contributed by JakeB. May/16 - This public hilllist has been seen 10,473 times

A selection of climbs popular with Falmouth and Exeter's (Penryn campus) climbing club members. Most routes have been climbed by members of the club. The list features common first leads and club favourites, in the lower end of the grade range (typically E1 and below). Routes are at generally at fairly accessible crags with good gear and sound rock.

Something of a photographic cliche, Josh Douglas on Demo Route, during the Uk rock tour.  © Mark Reeves
Something of a photographic cliche, Josh Douglas on Demo Route, during the Uk rock tour.
© Mark Reeves, Oct 2015

72 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Jim blackford 95% 19 May
2nd arandall 84% 12 Jun, 2016
2nd Hidden 84% 11 Feb, 2022
3rd FinnBar 75% 13 Aug, 2021
4th JoeCoxson 74% 20 Jun, 2022
5th Lizard Ollie 71% 31 Mar
6th George Muston 64% 11 Apr, 2022
6th Wendy Watthews 64% 16 Sep, 2023
7th banjoDan 62% 19 May
8th tomcoppola97 58% 4 May

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Demo Route

Demo Route
© rhudson

Jen Oliver on the famous last few moves of Demo Route

Demo Route
Jen Oliver on the famous last few moves of Demo Route
© Luke Carroll

First time leading a route since losing my leg 4 years ago.

Alison Rib
First time leading a route since losing my leg 4 years ago.
© Marc Elliott

Working at the Coalface...

Suicide Wall
Working at the Coalface...
© Sean Kelly

Such a perfect day...

Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge
Such a perfect day...
© Cusco

You can leave your hat on

West Wing
You can leave your hat on
© JoeCoxson

Sennen Cove…  Demo Route

Demo Route
Sennen Cove… Demo Route
© Marc Elliott

Enjoying Commando Ridge

Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge
Enjoying Commando Ridge
© BStar

Soloing Commando Ridge

Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge
Soloing Commando Ridge
© Hamish Frost

Demo Route

Demo Route
Demo Route
© darrenpp

Steve and Ed making the most of the only sheltered crag in West Cornwall.

West Wing
Steve and Ed making the most of the only sheltered crag in West Cornwall.
© Ruth O'Brien

Adam on the traverse

Suicide Wall
Adam on the traverse
© Kafoozalem

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Alison Rib D *** 4103 59m • 3 Bosigran
Ledge Climb HVD *** 1715 73m • 3 Bosigran
Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge VD *** 3600 161m • 8 Bosigran Ridge Area
Doorway S 4a ** 2093 60m • 3 Bosigran
Doorpost HS 4b *** 3913 67m • 3 Bosigran
Autumn Flakes HS 4b ** 1035 56m • 3 Bosigran
Anvil Chorus VS 4c *** 1795 54m • 5 Bosigran
Nameless VS 4c *** 1085 58m • 3 Bosigran
Zig Zag VS 4c ** 714 49m • 3 Bosigran
Little Brown Jug VS 5a *** 2635 66m • 3 Bosigran
Ochre Slab Route I HVS 5a ** 862 32m • 2 Bosigran
Paragon HVS 5a ** 747 76m • 4 Bosigran
Visions of Johanna E1 5b ** 449 58m • 2 Bosigran
Thin Wall Special E1 5b ** 947 65m • 3 Bosigran
Suicide Wall E1 5c *** 1185 78m • 5 Bosigran
Staircase D ** 1725 18m Sennen
Banana Flake VD ** 1765 22m • 2 Sennen
Corner Climb VD ** 2119 20m Sennen
Letterbox HS 4b ** 1036 22m • 2 Sennen
Demo Route HS 4b *** 3732 19m • 2 Sennen
Monday Face VS 4b ** 810 20m Sennen
Hayloft VS 4c * 540 41m • 4 Sennen
Vertical Crack VS 4c ** 1182 20m Sennen
Dexter VS 5a ** 539 17m Sennen
Double Overhang VS 4c ** 1164 18m Sennen
Africa Route VS 5a ** 1088 18m Sennen
Terrace Cracks HVS 5a ** 293 33m • 2 Sennen
Dolphin Cracks HVS 5a ** 374 28m • 2 Sennen
Zig Zag HVS 5a ** 607 18m Sennen
Peel Crack HVD ** 397 15m Carn Barra
Weasle VS 4c ** 70 18m Carn Barra
Axis VS 5a ** 462 18m Carn Barra
Ra HVS 5a ** 243 18m Carn Barra
Dialectic HVS 5b ** 403 18m Carn Barra
Pendulum Chimney S 4b *** 1090 59m • 5 Chair Ladder
Flannel Avenue HS 4b *** 377 52m • 3 Chair Ladder
Pegasus HS 4b *** 713 70m • 3 Chair Ladder
Aerial VS 4c ** 279 47m • 3 Chair Ladder
South Face Direct VS 4c *** 1313 59m • 4 Chair Ladder
Diocese VS 5a *** 927 56m • 4 Chair Ladder
Bishop's Arête HVS 5a ** 73 54m • 3 Chair Ladder
Bishop's Rib E1 5b *** 741 53m • 3 Chair Ladder
Dowser's Route/Porthgwarra Face VD *** 270 42m • 3 Porthgwarra...
Helluva Slab S 4a ** 292 43m • 3 Porthgwarra...
Ivy Incorporated VD * 125 30m St. Loy Cliff
Cenopod Corner HS 4b * 44 12m St. Loy Cliff
Chicory Chock HS 4b 95 22m St. Loy Cliff
Chicory Check VS 4b 29 23m St. Loy Cliff
Sloe Steel VS 5a * 127 16m St. Loy Cliff
Cress Cendo VS 5a ** 185 32m • 2 St. Loy Cliff
Supercruise VS 4c 124 30m St. Loy Cliff
Chlorophyll Cluster E1 5b *** 250 30m St. Loy Cliff
Monochrome Men E1 5b ** 122 18m St. Loy Cliff
Bending Chimney VD * 525 17m Trewavas
Ivy Chimney VD 331 14m Trewavas
Mouseproof S 4a * 680 13m Trewavas
Joy S 4a * 892 18m Trewavas
Cornel HS 4b * 397 12m Trewavas
Mascara VS 4c ** 713 20m Trewavas
Avalanche VS 5a ** 544 14m Trewavas
Colomen HVS 4c * 223 21m Trewavas
Williams' Chimney HVS 5b ** 501 20m Trewavas
South Groove E1 5c ** 166 17m Trewavas
West Wing E2 5c *** 219 20m Trewavas
Blind Pew VD ** 279 25m Pen Olver
Songs from a Gentle Man VS 4b ** 151 25m Pen Olver
Mule HVS 5a * 60 15m Pen Olver
Tregagle's Crack S 4a * 796 8m Roche Rock
Porky VS 4c ** 829 17m Roche Rock
The Lord Falmouth E1 5b ** 795 15m Roche Rock
10 e, 139 stars 60,704 2,452m 141
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