Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 407m a.s.l
Faces N

Scrambling on the Wrekin © Claire Cuthbert

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Marilyns, England 40 most prominent peaks hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 89 logbooks.

Hill features

A couple of small single pitch climbs that can be combined with a picnic and good views.

Restricted Access

The site was formerly in private ownership, but was acquired in 2005 by Shropshire Wildlife Trust. Although historically used for some climbing, The Trust do not wish to encourage access for this purpose, due to the state of the rock, and the site's proximity to Telford. The cliff is not particularly suitable for climbing due to the nature of the rock, and the fact that unbridled access to the base of the cliff will not serve the nature conservation aspects of the site well.

Route Cards

Sorry, There are no Route Cards associated with this hill
could anybody help with the location on the climbs themselves? is it a short approach in or a treck? many thanks
Supadeano86 - 22/Apr/14
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