Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 413m a.s.l
Faces N

Lucy Creamer on The File (VS 4c), Higgar Tor, Peak District © Jamie Moss

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in The Ethels of the Peak District hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 77 logbooks.

Hill features

Higgar Tor is not an extensive venue but it manages to have a major impact courtesy of the Leaning Block. Steep and powerful climbing is the order of the day here and, in general, the routes only succumb to a forceful approach; hesitation will be punished with pumped forearms and a 'gritstone kiss'. The striking central line of The Rasp is the showpiece of the crag, a stunning outing that is typical of many of the routes - an overhanging crack with the odd good jam and plenty of jugs. Typically, protection is plentiful but placing it is tiring and the finishes may leave you breathless and battered. There is a theory that the routes feel under-graded because the block is slowly tipping.  

The Leaning Block is the main event but the shorter walls to either side also have worthwhile offerings but don't expect any soft touches. There is plenty of bouldering to be found, some of which has been covered here, although it is quite highball and the landings are not very friendly. The abrasive-tool-themed names of the routes are an indication of the nature of the rock here.

Approach notes

Higgar Tor is on the west side of Burbage Valley, overlooking the minor road running down to Hathersage. There is roadside parking on the right-hand side as it starts to descend towards the valley. From the parking walk down the road for about 100m to a stile on the left. Cross the stile and contour the hillside to the right. The cliff appears as you round the ridge, less than 5 mins from the car.

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