Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 370m a.s.l
Faces N

Evening light on Hen Cloud © Trevers

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in The Ethels of the Peak District hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 59 logbooks.

Hill features

2023 -- no nesting bird restrictions. See RAD.

The superb castellated buttresses of Hen Cloud offer some of grit's finest crack climbs, and these include routes which are amongst the longest anywhere on grit. There are even some genuine multi-pitch climbs to savour. Perched above a steep bank, the positions are superb as is the outlook but, despite all these positives, the crag is rarely crowded. The climbs cover the grade spectrum and like the nearby crag of the Roaches, there is an excellent selection of lower grade climbs.

Despite facing south, the crag is inclined to be green and lichenous, especially on the left (because of the grass ledges) and as such is not a good destination after damp weather. The crag is very exposed to the wind, and will catch any precipitation carried on Westerlies.

Approach notes

Occasional bird bans, usually spring to early summer. See access notes below. Parking available in designated bays only beneath the crag; do not park outside of the bays in the restriction zone -- you will get a ticket. If it's really full, careful parking on the road is permitted outside of the restriction zone (back towards Upper Hulme).

The field next to the tea House is available for parking, the charge is £2 for all day. 

Access Advice

The footpath up to the centre of the crag is eroding in places, please try to walk on stones/boulders where possible. This whole area is vulnerable to fire in dry conditions and the ecology is sensitive.

Route Cards

Sorry, There are no Route Cards associated with this hill
There are now clear "no parking" signs along the road past the tea rooms. On bank holiday Sunday there was a PCSO enthusiastically ticketing dozens of cars who ignored the signs, even when parked right next to one! You have been warned.
alr1970 - 07/May/24
No bird restriction this year (2023)
Jon Read - 17/May/23
Plenty of quiet bouldering dotted around the crag too here’s a free topo
robert mirfin - 11/Feb/23
This really is a fabulous crag, and often over-looked in favour of its more famous neighbour the Roaches. Quality routes on solid rock in a beautiful setting, away from the crowds and outdoor instruction groups. Some great 3-star routes including Delstree, Central Climb, Encouragement, Hen Cloud Eliminate, and probably the best HVS route I've *ever* been on - Bachelor's Left-hand!
Nick Smith - 12/Jul/04
Just got back from Hen Cloud and am very impressed, quality of rock is excellant and there's hardly anyone ever around, just one problem, those bastard midges, they bite and itching is unbearable, i look like i've got measles, so insect repellant is a must, Happy Climbing!
Adam Waszkiewicz - 28/Aug/03
Great Chimney 18m (Eliminate Area)- is a fantastic route for those learning to lead.(***) Easy to advise on gear placements from top or bottom, plus the magnificently formed chimney structure makes it stand out from any other S grade climb on gritstone that i can think of. I just wish it was longer!
Max Linnemann - 08/Feb/02
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