Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 359m a.s.l
Faces N

The late and great Dave Gregory climbing the Trident at Harborough Rocks © Chris Craggs

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in The Ethels of the Peak District hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 39 logbooks.

Hill features

A delightful, open mini-edge around 6m high. Along with Rainster Rocks offers a unique experience of climbing on dolomitic limestone, a highly pocketed, juggy rock. Super soloing or family picnic venue in summer (if you can zone out the factory noise). Nothing too hard except the short but sharp VSs, and if you don't like polish... Best routes are Steeple Arete (VD), Trident Arete (VD) and Creased Wall (VS 4c). Other strange shaped pinnacles in the area to explore and some low-grade bouldering on both tiers. Breezy and therefore midge-free and quick-drying. The cave is wet and slimy. Make sure you have wipes and hand gel!

Approach notes

From Longcliffe (SK 227557) on the B5056 head south for Brassington. After 3/4 mile turn left and in a similar distance the edge will be seen on the left. Follow footpath which starts just after the 'Brickworks'.

Route Cards

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Watch out for the literal piles of human shit all around the car park recently, left by the figurative human piles of shit. Lots of campervans.
ctranter - 22/Aug/20
Road is closed just in front of the car park until Sept 2017. Best access currently is from the opposite side that the concrete factory. Park in layby (enough for 3 cars) and follow the dissused railway line to the crag.
pagey198 - 05/Aug/17
Polished... Polished... Polished! What else can be said.
Jordan_Hollins - 21/Apr/14
Parking is realy close to the rock just a bit right of the quarry as a warning though if you go in the week the quarry is realy noisy so best to wait till the weekend. from the carpark area (suitable for about five cars) its a short walk to the rocks. The rocks themself are realy nice to climb and there realy is something for all the family. Theres plenty of places for protection while climbing and when you get to the top more than enough to setup a few top ropes and let them get on with it.
ophielle - 17/Jun/11
Great little crag once you zone out the (noisy) factory below. Giant holds abound and natural protection appears relatively reliable for a limestone venue. Polish was present in places but was considerably better than somewhere like Hutton Roof. I'll be back
davidparkinson - 22/Feb/11
Was I having a good day after a long time on the grit or is the whole crag undergraded?
fenclimb - 06/Jul/05
Very cute place, pity about the factory below. Best boulder problem is the obvious smooth wall some yards left of Creased Wall - fingery V2-ish direct up the centre.
Fiend1 - 14/Jan/05
Climbing here is great - lots to do, some good routes with interesting things to hang off and an excellent place to learn to set belays, lead etc. But dont expect a peaceful 'get away from it all' experience as the Brickworks emits a steady stream of earsplitting noise! Arghhhhhhh!
Patrick Carmichael - 12/Sep/04
According to the OS maps, this crag is spelt Harboro Rocks. Popoular with groups.
Paul - 17/Apr/03
the guide book refers to two rusting water tanks when it talks about how to find the cave at the lefh hand edge. These are no longer there. But the whole area isnt that big if you follow the footpath up to the edge and walk a few meters to the left the cave is very easy to find
annie - 13/Apr/02
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