Climbs 20
Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 1963m a.s.l
Faces N

Hill features

Gigilos is a magical mountain and its Southwest Face is said to be the second highest rockface in Greece, with routes of up to 800m length. The average angle is relatively low (60 degrees), but the topography extremely complex. It contains butresses, ridges and walls of superb quality limestone, but none of these is continuous from the foot of the cliff to the summit - all routes cross terraces and/or gullies in places, which, though easy angled, often contain loose rock. All climbs are therefore alpine in nature.

The recognised routes are open to considerable variation - they refer more to an area of the cliff, than to an exact route, so route-finding skill is important.

Most of the climbs are described in the guidebook "Crete - Climbing in Chania" 2007, by Manolis Mesarchakis (still available). The nearest good gear shop is in Heraklion, 150km away.

For full details of any route contact Sifis Pentarakis, at the Lotos Cafe in Sougia, [email protected]  0030 6973059691

Summit of this hill

This summit has been climbed in 1 logbook.

Approach notes

Map - Topo 25 11.13, 1:25000, Samaria Sougia.

Drive from Omalos to the start point of the Samaria Gorge. Two zig-zags lead to the end of the road and parking.

From the hut/cafe, ascend steep zig-zags southwest till the path levels off (height gain 260m). Continue to follow the path through a rock-arch and past a crag, to reach the Linoseli spring in the cwm (about 1hour).. Good bivvi cave for up to four people 50m before the spring (300m from the base of Number 8). Cross loose scree to reach the base of the crag.

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