Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 555m a.s.l
Faces N

The Wabe, Glen Coe with home made ice axes! © Grahame N

Summit of this hill

This summit has been climbed in 6 logbooks.

Hill features

The middle of the Glencoe Three Sisters is a massive dome of steep rock.

took me a while to figure out that the 'east face' on this listing is nowhere near the north face. AFAICT it's what is listed on the map as 'south east face' ie about halfway down the south side of the long ridge of gearr aonach?
malcolm.harris - 16/May/23
Any of the rock climbs here will feel quite adventurous compared to elsewhere in the Coe. This is not neccessarily a bad thing however...
Jamie B. - 11/Sep/05
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