Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 425m a.s.l
Faces N

Pam on Chrome Hill © bryan mitchell

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Peak District 400s, Peak District 400\'s - Revised, The Ethels of the Peak District hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 142 logbooks.

Hill features

The path may not be marked on some OS maps, but from above Stoop Farm it passes around the north side of the small crag known as Tor Rock and then descends the next field. Notice here that the small hill on the left is capped with gritstone and the wall abruptly changes colour as the stone changes, while to the right a stream comes off the gritstone and immediately disappears underground into a swallow hole in the limestone.

Follow the path down the hillside and along the bottom of the next field to reach the start of the Chrome Hill ridge. The climb up the end of this is quite steep but the view compensates, getting better by the minute. The position at the summit is very fine, with an excellent outlook across the Dove to Hollinsclough and a fine view down the valley and over Parkhouse Hill to Earl Sterndale village

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