Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 1215m a.s.l
Faces N

FA The Gathering VIII,9 © petemacpherson

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Munro Tops, Munros for beginners, CUMC Ticklist hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 427 logbooks.

Hill features

A slightly longer approach than its neighbour, Corrie an t-Sneachda, makes this corrie a lot quieter.

Some excellent, reliable winter climbing - the steeper nature of this corrie yields some excellent technical mixed climbing and also very good rock climbing.

Approach notes

Be very aware of snow conditions in Corrie an Lochain. The 'Great Slab' is a notorious avalanche black spot, and should be avoided at all costs should avalanche conditions prevail i.e. during/after heavy snow or thaw.

Note that the name of this crag is actually "Coire an Lochain". Many photographs on that use this correct name are mistakenly hyperlinked to Stob Coire nan Lochan in Glencoe.
John Hawkins - 19/Feb/04
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