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Climbs 1
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 380m a.s.l
Faces E

Crag features

Bradwell Hole, more commonly known as 'The Hole', resides in a field a kilometre or so west of the village. In an otherwise totally flat field the hole drops around 15m or so to an overgrown base, it boasts a single rock face on the west side of the hole that overhangs in several tiers. 

It's grimey, often wet and smells of rotting sheep but the rock is quite good once cleaned up. The hole has the potential for a few lines and possibly some grotty bouldering under the overhang should you so desire. 

Approach notes

Park at the top of Cresswellpart Lane and go through a gate, over a stile and through a gate again to reach the field. Watch out for murderous cows.

Access the hole by abseiling in, using one of the sturdier fence posts as an anchor. Make sure to leave a rope hanging down to escape if you aren't certain you can climb out.


Access Advice

Locals immediately surrounding the field seem to say it's fine to use the hole but the actual owners of the field haven't been contacted as they live elsewhere. 

Just don't break any fences or gates and should be alright.

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