Climbs 19
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 490m a.s.l
Faces NW

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Afternoon sun hits the south side of Bungonia Gorge © Hog Dog

Crag features

This system of small limestone crags is set high on the hillside above the south side of Bungonia Gorge, immediately next to the Lookdown car park. Facing northwest, they get great afternoon sunshine and offer stunning views over this geological marvel. Routes are mostly sport, with some trad lines, and have varying levels of hardware quality. Heights range from 8 up to 30 m, and the grades run easy through moderate, offering a considerably friendlier entry level to climbing on Bungonia's limestone.

Approach notes

Park at the Lookdown car park in Bungonia National Park (NSW Parks Pass required) and head straight west up to the top of a little hill and down its far side. This should take you to the southern end of the Upper Wall. Following northwards along the base of this wall will bring you to The Cave, with others routes a bit further down the hillside.

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