Opening hours

Club night - from 7pm on second Tuesday of every month

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Last updated on 01/Mar/2016


Ibex Mountain & Hillwalking Club is a hiking, mountaineering and trekking club based in London. New members are always welcome.

Ibex members organise:
* Hiking weekend trips in Wales, the Lake District and elsewhere in the UK
* Longer trips to Scotland and international trips to areas such as the Dolomites, Pyrenees and the Alps
* Regular day walks in the London area
* Indoor and outdoor climbing, trekking holidays, sailing and a range of other activities on an informal basis.

Weekends trips are organised by club members. We stay in bunkhouses, mountaineering huts, hostels and campsites.

Leaving London on a Friday afternoon, usually sharing cars or travel by public transport. Members plan several hike routes based around a longer day on Saturday and shorter day on Sunday.

We'll eat together on Saturday evening, with everyone helping with meal preparation.


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