UKC functionality: unwatchable linked videos of climbs / routes

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 joeruckus 24 Oct 2023

A comment for UKC's technical team:

I've noticed increasingly many videos of routes / boulder problems being linked to logbook pages but where the footage being shared is from Instagram, and where the Instagram profiles that created the content are set to 'private'. This makes the videos unwatchable for everyone who isn't a 'friend' on instagram with those accounts.


(indeed, nearly all of the videos that have been linked / shared by this user and appear in this user's video gallery, but which also appear in the logbook pages for each route / problem: )

I understand that for a UKC-user-who-is-already-friends-on-instagram with the person who shared the video, it'll be hard for that user to tell whether other people on UKC will be able to view the video. But it seems like something that UKC might be able to detect, or else flag up, when users are using the 'Upload a video' function for a route or problem.

My feeling is that it's not a good look for UKC to have route / problem logbook pages which have effectively dead / inoperative linked videos.

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