

opinion Pumped Storage Hydro in the Highlands - Is Anywhere Still Off Limits?

Are the enormous Earba and Fearna hydro projects merely the thin end of an ever bigger wedge? In a planning free-for-all for energy in Scotland, where will we draw the line? It's not yet too late to shed light on the murky world of Highland mega-energy, says Jane Meek, but time is running out for our wild land.

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opinion Highland Phone Masts - A Preventable Disaster for Wild Land

From Torridon to the Cairngorms, planning authorities face a flood of applications to build hundreds of new 4G masts in Scotland's wildest and most scenic places. Costing taxpayers half a billion pounds, the Shared Rural Network rollout is stat...

opinion Right to Roam - An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Ours is a country increasingly divorced from nature, where most of the land remains out of bounds; but pressure to improve public access is gaining political momentum. Eben Myrddin Muse argues it's high time for radical, Scottish-style access reform south...

opinion Are the Lake District Fells Too Busy?

Scafell Pike on a sunny Bank Holiday can be more manic than the cities people left to get there. As increasing numbers flock to the fells, has the Lake District become a victim of its own popularity? Is this any longer a place to visit for those who value the...

bothies It's The End of An Era For Cairngorm And The Start of a New One

Over several decades a dedicated band of hill-goers has been gradually restoring the network...

opinion How Much is Just Enough? In Defence of the Ultralight Philosophy

Cutting out the clutter is not just about taking weight off your shoulders to allow more mileage....

Bagging - Going Beyond the Cult of the Summit

What does it mean to know a mountain? Norman Hadley tentatively asks whether we can be a bit over-focused on...

Language In Praise of the GĂ idhlig

As we roam the Highlands, it's worth being mindful of the linguistic heritage beneath our boots, says Norman Hadley. You can be...

conservation Is a Lynx Reintroduction Likely, and How Might it Work?

opinion Words and Phrases That Should Never be Heard in the Outdoors

opinion Dartmoor Camping - Serfdom is back, and the future of the Ten Tors challenge at risk

Language Should We All Be Saying Yr Wyddfa?

conservation Scotland's Wild Land is Under Threat

opinion Premium Events - How they affect us, and our connection with wild places

opinion Why Dartmoor's Byelaws are Being Updated

opinion Why I'm Defending Dartmoor's Wild Campers

coronavirus Everest and COVID-19: What's going on and should they still be climbing?

opinion It's Time to End Burning on Grouse Moors

camping Free Access Versus Conservation - A Delicate Balance

camping Bans are not the Answer to Problem Camping

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