Evidence-based mental training and fear management course for climbers welcomes students Press Release

© Strong Mind

Fear holds climbers back more than finger strength. This is the founding idea behind The Strong Mind Course: a course that has supported hundreds of climbers in managing fears and transforming their relationship with climbing. 

Strong Mind is a mental training company founded by Hazel Findlay, a professional climber and mental training coach who is well-known for bold ascents, including being the first British woman to climb E9. Hazel has been coaching for the past eight years in the area of performance psychology, stress and fear management, and runs Strong Mind alongside her partner Angus Kille and a team across Europe.

The Strong Mind Course consists of video lessons with theory, practices, and reflective questions with downloadable learning resources. The course is part of a range of services offered by the company, which already has three successful courses and more than 1000 past students.

The Strong Mind Program is a live support package of this course, with revamped lessons and more coach-contact time than ever. Students will have live calls with Hazel and other Strong Mind coaches for 8 weeks and video analysis of fall practice included. 

Evidence-based tools, practices, and exercises

The Strong Mind Course works through six in-depth chapters that take students through evidence-based tools, practices, and exercises that Strong Mind's coaches personally use and have success with. The course covers mindset, knowledge and understanding, fear of falling, heights and exposure, fear of failure, performance anxiety and social fears, multipurpose mind tools, maintenance and troubleshooting. There is also access to a private community where students can connect with like-minded climbers and keep in touch with the coaches.

Hazel Findlay said: "We often assume that climbers either have these skills or they don't, but in reality they're things we practise and learn. There are so many climbers out there struggling with various fears because they just have had access to the right training.

"We teach not only theory but also actionable processes which we've refined over years of working with students. We've had an overwhelming response to our courses and found that past students are able to transfer skills from this climbing course into other areas of their lives."

What the course means for climbers

Student climber, Zoe, said: "I learned so much more from this course than I could have expected; I was blown away by both the depth and amount of content! I feel truly empowered with knowledge that I can use not only in my future climbing experiences but also in other sports and even career endeavours. Thank you for recognizing the need for educating climbers on mental training, I think it makes all the difference for our experiences!"

Read more of what past students have to say on Trustpilot

How to register for the Strong Mind Program

Strong Mind's courses are known for selling out fast, with the most recent launch of Flight School selling out in two hours. Strong Mind have increased their capacity for supporting students for the launch of the Strong Mind Program to avoid turning students away.

Climbers that are interested in the program can sign up to the waitlist. Those on the waitlist will get first access when the program opens and will have free access to a six-part video series on fear management.

About Strong Mind 

Strong Mind coaching exists to provide climbers and other athletes and performers with the tools, practices and strategies they need to manage their fears instead of being limited by them so they can perform at their best. Strong Mind is run by Hazel Findlay and her partner Angus Kille. Strong Mind has supported thousands of students through their online courses Flight School, Performance Hacks and their flagship course in fear management the Strong Mind Course. To learn more about Hazel, the Strong Mind team and what they offer, visit

About Hazel Findlay

Hazel is a professional climber and a mental training coach, with 28 years of climbing experience. Well-known for bold ascents and strength of mind, she has climbed E10, 9a, font 8A (V11), freed El Capitan 4 times and put up many first ascents. While Hazel admits to still being scared when she climbs, she's built the tools, skills and practices to manage her mind through mental training. Hazel has been coaching for the past 8 years in the area of performance psychology, stress and fear management. She specialises in helping people manage their fears in climbing and maximising performance using psychological tools. She is a trained coach with Animas coaching and The Flow Centre, and is working on her MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience.


For more information Strong Mind

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