The 10 Greatest Lake District Fells...?

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 UKH Articles 13 May 2024

If you had to narrow down the Lakeland fells to a desert island shortlist, the best of the best, which would be on it? Norman Hadley sees if two-hundred and fourteen into ten will go. 

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 gammarus 16 May 2024
In reply to UKH Articles:

Solid choices there, Norman. But of course, other lists are available. How about choosing the best viewpoints out of the 541 Birketts? Birkett covers the whole of your list, but includes many lower fells. Try Border End, Demming Crag, Little Stand or Yew Bank for grandstand views of the Scafell massif: Heron Pike, Glenridding, for Ullswater: White Pike, Birker Fell for the Cumberland plain and the Isle of Man. Want remote and rocky? Have a look at Pen, above the wilderness of upper Eskdale; or for a decent day out, the top of Pillar Rock via New West.

Wisely, Birkett omits Mungrisdale Common although there are some truly anonymous lumps (Bigert? Really?).

 Lankyman 16 May 2024
In reply to UKH Articles:

Being miserable and easily satisfied any hill I don't have to share with hordes gets my vote. I will say though that the Scafell massif, taken as a whole ranks highly along with the best in Britain. Looking across from Border End is as inspiring as anywhere to me.

 Norman Hadley 17 May 2024
In reply to gammarus:

Some excellent suggestions there, gammarus. Just that eastern flanks of the Scafells offers a wealth of routes and a huge array of viewpoints, from Walna Scar all the way to Pike de Bield. Nice to hear you mention Pen. I'm very fond of it and included it in the "Scafell Pike Untrodden" route card. I have a long history in that my first ascent of the Pike was by this route at the tender age of four. 

 Norman Hadley 17 May 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

Absolutely, Lankyman. That Eskdale flank is a gem for solitude without sacrificing grandeur - a place to be simultaneously miserable and satisfied. 😉 

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