COMP: ShAFF Twitter/Facebook competition

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 UKC Articles 23 Feb 2011
UKC’s Simplest Competition Eever #2, 3 kbUKClimbing are once again supporting the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival, and with ShAFF have teamed up with fellow festival sponsors Petzl for a Twitter/Facebook competition.

 Tall Clare 23 Feb 2011
In reply to UKC Articles:

This fits better into the 140 character limit: Check out the #ShAFF Trailer on #UKClimbing: Retweet to win a w/e ShAFF pass and #Petzl Grigri 2

Have RTed.
 Mike Stretford 23 Feb 2011
In reply to Tall Clare: hehe
 TonyM 23 Feb 2011
In reply to UKC Articles:
If you don't understand tweetering, it's UKC's most complex compeititon ever...
 MattH 23 Feb 2011
In reply to TonyM:

Fair point!

If you don't understand Tweetering here's the basic guide:

If you want to enter a draw for a Petzl Grigri 2 and a weekend pass for ShAFF set up a Twitter account (if you can set up a UKC account to post here you can set up a Twitter account) and copy and paste the suggested text into the box for your first Tweet. If you don't ever use Twitter again no problem. About 60 seconds effort.

 owlart 24 Feb 2011
In reply to MattH:
> If you don't ever use Twitter again no problem. About 60 seconds effort.

There's a slight problem with that approach, as it says "The winner will be contacted directly via Twitter"!
 Tall Clare 24 Feb 2011
In reply to owlart:

Twitter direct messages are emailed to the email account you used to set up your Twitter account by default. You can, of course, turn this off.
 toad 24 Feb 2011
In reply to MattH: erm... This content is currently unavailable?
 owlart 24 Feb 2011
In reply to Tall Clare: Ah, I didn't know that! Thanks. I've only ever followed Twitter accounts, never tweeted myself!
 Ewan Russell 24 Feb 2011
In reply to UKC Articles:
twitter is shitter
 summo 24 Feb 2011
In reply to UKC Articles: it's only the simplest ever if you already tweet. Can't you have a simple quiz?

Q.Where is the place Petzl?

a. Libya
b. France
c. China

 CragRat11 24 Feb 2011
In reply to MattH: Have Twitter put you up to this? I don't want to set up a Twitter account. Thats not very fair is it, can you not just ask us a question?
 MattH 24 Feb 2011
In reply to CragRat11:

There's a whole load of other competitions going on in conjunction with ShAFF (which don't require you to get a Twitter account).

 Only a hill 24 Feb 2011
In reply to UKC Articles:
After having used Twitter for a while and grown to despise it, I refuse to participate in anything that involves Twitter. I don't doubt that a lot of other people think the same way.
 MattH 24 Feb 2011
In reply to Only a hill:

See my previous post for details of a bunch of competitions that you can enter that have nothing to do with Twitter

 Tall Clare 24 Feb 2011
In reply to Only a hill:

A lot of people do use it though - I use it to keep in touch with lots of literary magazines, for instance...
 Simon 24 Feb 2011
In reply to CragRat11:
> (In reply to MattH) Have Twitter put you up to this? I don't want to set up a Twitter account. Thats not very fair is it, can you not just ask us a question?

Which you can google & answer easily...

...have a wee think why ShAFF would want people to Tweet instead on just ONE of the many competitions - variety is after all, the spice of any event no?

I have just become a tweeter to keep up with the cricket - works a treat for me!

 MattH 25 Feb 2011
In reply to Simon:


Ten years ago I remember stating to my friends that I would never have a mobile phone. A few years later I remember promising to myself that I would never spurn new technologies or trends quite so quickly!

 MattH 03 Mar 2011
In reply to MattH:

And the winner... is Robert J Parkin:!/robertjparkin

Robert, I have tweeted a message. Contact me on [email protected] asap.


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