Come and join the new White Spider Staff Family

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We had a phenomenal response to the request for help with the building of the White Spider Climbing wall from all you good folks at UKC. We now have the opportunity to follow that up with an offer of work at our amazing new facility.

The climbing wall itself is less about plywood and carpentry, and more about innovation and art!

Why not join us and be able to influence how this great new facility will work.

We are looking for two more people to join our customer services team - more of a family really - who can bring this amazing new climbing facility to the folks of South London and beyond.

If you are interested in joining us then please send your CV and a covering email to [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


The White Spider Climbing team

 trouserburp 21 Jul 2012
In reply to Spider Climbing Group Wall:

You had me excited for a minute there. Kingston is in Southwest London.

That might sound pedantic but you are going to be further away from anyone in South London than either the Reach or Craggy Island (which are both about na hour's journey from me by the way, in case any kind souls want to build a full-size wall in South London)
 Oceanrower 24 Jul 2012
In reply to trouserburp: If you want to be even more pedantic, Craggy Island is in Guildford which is a lot further West than Tolworth!
 remus Global Crag Moderator 24 Jul 2012
In reply to Oceanrower: There's another craggy island in Sutton.
 Oceanrower 24 Jul 2012
In reply to remus: Think you'll find that's called Craggy 2 not Craggy Island. Pedantically speaking.
 trouserburp 25 Jul 2012
In reply to Oceanrower:

The aim wasn't to be pedantic! Just hoping someone would build a big wall in South London
 ti_pin_man 27 Jul 2012
In reply to Spider Climbing Group Wall: blimey what a lot of pedantic-ness. Never mind that, find some staff and get it open soon. Your 20 mins from me instead of craggy 2's 1 hour! I like craggy 2 but in rush hours it can be a real real chore to get there. You're opening is fab.

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