Birds n stuff

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 Bottom Clinger 09 May 2024

Took an early morning stroll last Saturday. Amazing dawn chorus, with willow warbler, chiffchaff, blackcap, wood warbler garden warbler, pied flycatcher, green woodpecker plus lots more. A steady stream of gooseanders flying into the woods - possibly their nest sights?  This was at Seatoller. 

Forgot to mention cuckoo. And buzzard. 

Post edited at 21:54

In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Amazing sight of a pair of dipper fledglings being reed by a parent. Great views, good see the adult swimming underwater. The river was shrouded by leafy trees and was quite dark.  Grasmere. 

In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Went out the other morning with the hope of seeing a wheatear, and found a group of seven. These had characteristics of Greenland Wheatear: rust colourings on their backs, peachy underneath,  brownish colourings on the eye stripe behind the eye, and they looked bigger, and I believe Greenlands migrate later. Anyway, cracking birds - been a bumper year around here for them. 

Post edited at 21:51

 Bobling 09 May 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Goodness me the photos of the Dipper fledglings are magic, well done! Straight to the pool room!

 compost 10 May 2024
In reply to Bobling:

> Straight to the pool room!

I bet the serenity was great too

 compost 10 May 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

The adult is rolling its eyes and thinking "more? Seriously? I need a weekend".

 dread-i 10 May 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Another vote for the dipper parent and the hungry kids eating them out of nest and home.

I enjoy your pics. When I see something like these, I think, its not a blue tit or chaffinch, but looks like a dodgy sparrow. (I'm not an ornithologist, btw.) I'm learning a lot.

 storm-petrel 10 May 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Lovely. Pied Flys and Common Redstarts are two of the quintessential spring and summer birds of the upland woods of the UK for me. If only more hill days started up through the sort of temperate Atlantic rainforest where these birds are typically found.

My outing this morning took me up to the massive heights of Lowick Beacon near Ulverston. Yellowhammers were busy defending their territories and at least six Cuckoos had attracted the attentions of the local Meadow Pipits, Willow Warblers and Stonechats. The Coniston Fells provided a fine scenic backdrop.

 aln 10 May 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Fabulous. I'd give you 10 likes if I could. I've been lucky enough to see dippers walking on the stream bed a few times. It's quite a thing!

 aln 10 May 2024
In reply to storm-petrel:

Cracking photos. I love a yellowhammer, if you get to Fife, they're all over the place. 

But I have to say, the cuckoo photo is absolutely world class! Get that into some wildlife photography competitions. Thank you for sharing. 

 Lankyman 11 May 2024
In reply to storm-petrel:

>and at least six Cuckoos had attracted the attentions

We were out yesterday at Old Hutton near Kendal and during a break we could hear a cuckoo calling nearby. I told Ali how I'd seen a couple of them up in Kintyre for the first time ever recently. Then, as if on cue, two of them flew right over us. They're like buses!

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