The Prophet - PreviewFri Night Exclusive

© UKC News

This week's Friday Night Video is a special exclusive for us:

The Prophet - a film by Alastair Lee starring Leo Houlding and Jason Pickles

One of the world's top big wall climber's Leo Houlding revisits his 10 year project; The Prophet, an exceptionally steep, loose and difficult route on the east face of Yosemite's El Cap. Leo discribes the route as 'the wildest climb I've ever been on'. This has to be seen to be believed, crazy climbing. Leo only completed the route late in October which we reported here on UKC.

The World Premiere is next Thurs, 18th Nov at the Kendal Mountain Film Festival, the venue is the Town Hall and the time is 7:30pm, both Leo and Al will be there to intro the film and do a short Q and A session after the film. The film is 35 mins long and is taken from the Psyche II dvd available on dvd and HD download in Dec 2010 from

The Kendal Mountain Festival 2010

Kendal Mountain Festival 2010


The dates are 18 to 21 November and tickets are available now. Book online - - or by phone 01539 725133 - news as it happens at


Easily accessible from the M6 and by train and there are plenty of accommodation options in and around the town but you need to be on your toes as they fill up very quickly over the Mountain Festival weekend.

For all your questions, accommodation and travel needs go to here you will find all the information you should need for your visit to Cumbria, alternatively call the accommodation booking line on 0845 450 1199.

Kendal Mountain Festival Sponsors 2010  © UKC News
Kendal Mountain Festival Sponsors 2010

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12 Nov, 2010
13 Nov, 2010
Agree - that crack looks ridiculously thin. The portaledge (and Jason!) goes beautifully askew when yer man takes to the air. Great footage. Hope the launch goes well. Mick
13 Nov, 2010
Awesome!I look forward to watching it on DVD. Cheers James
15 Nov, 2010
I have to say I was really looking forward to seeing this and despite the picture of this pitch being one of my favourite the video did little for me. There seemed to be a fair amount of focus hunting going on which was just distracting!
22 Nov, 2010
Is this a sport or trad route? Looks well hard and some cool moves.
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