Film: The BMC's Mend Our Mountains Campaign

© bmc

The BMC have launched a new campaign to raise money for path repairs on some the country's best-loved (hence heavily-trodden) hills. Mend Our Mountains is using crowdfunding in a bid to source £100K direct from hill-goers.

'More people experiencing the outdoors is good news, improving our collective health, enriching our culture, encouraging engagement with nature, and keeping rural economies alive' said Carey Davies, BMC hill walking officer and joint Mend Our Mountains campaign coordinator.

'But it puts pressure on the landscape.'

'One of the biggest and most expensive problems to manage is erosion. In the past in popular places like the Yorkshire Dales, some of these scars caused by countless feet have grown to up to 30 metres, motorways of damage as wide as parts of the M1.' 

'To manage this problem needs effective intervention, usually through the construction of paths, which help to heal the mountain landscape and protect habitats and wildlife. But they are not cheap to construct. And in these straitened times, where austerity is the mantra, money is in increasingly short supply.'

That's where the crowdfunding thing comes in, seeking to raise the cash straight from the people who use the paths.

Eight projects in upland England and Wales have been earmarked for a slice of the funding, from Snowdon and Scafell Pike to Dartmoor and the Brecon Beacons.

  • For more on the campaign or to make a donation see here

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