Video Special: Scafell Pike Film Sneak Preview

© Terry Abraham

Film maker and outdoor blogger Terry Abraham has been hard at work for months shooting a new feature length movie, Life of a Mountain: Scafell Pike. Terry, whose film The Cairngorms in Winter with Chris Townsend made quite a splash in the hillwalking world last year (see UKH review here), has been documenting England's highest mountain through all seasons, and interviewing some of the people who help make it such a special place, from farmers to guidebook authors, MRT members to a local fell running great (can you guess who?). The film premiers in May. Here are a couple sneak previews from the footage he's been shooting, plus some insight into the thinking behind the project, which was funded through crowd sourcing.

'Life of a Mountain: Scafell Pike has been an idea of mine for a good couple of years or and I'm very passionate about the project' Terry explains.

'I've always wanted to see the Scafells on video at their very best and worst, from all perspectives, threaded in with various interviews with the public and well-known faces sharing their thoughts and experiences of this iconic fell.'

'I'm keen to bring back the romance and drama of this corner of England that so inspired the Lakeland Poets and generations of people ever since, but it's always been important for me to capture those who live and work on or around this fell too. After all, they play a huge part in its make-up and character.'

'I'll be the first to admit producing the film has been extremely challenging and possibly too ambitious for little old me to undertake' says Terry.

'But I'm pleased to say that all the blood, sweat and tears have been worth it now I'm finally beginning to see the end results on my PC whilst editing. I've lost count the number of storms I've camped out in and mileage I've covered in the area. It's no lie to say I've spent much of the past 12 months out in a tent on a fell top somewhere rather than my own bed at home! April when I'll be at my desk 24/7 editing the film ready for its premiere in May will be quite the luxury break for me physically.'

'I'm now entering the final month's filming for the documentary and despite my body anxiously anticipating its completion, deep in my heart I'll be sad that it's all over. The support from those who appear in the film has been truly overwhelming, let alone the public who financially backed me. And I hope that the end result enlightens, engages and most of all inspires viewers about England's highest peak.'

'More than anything I'm anticipating the audience's response to the completed project. If it moves people to visit, protect and care for the area, if it enlightens them to the hard work the local MRT, rangers and farmers get up to, if they come away having felt like they've shared a peek into one year around the Scafells and take joy from that, then I'll be very happy.' 

Life of a Mountain: Scafell Pike gets its first screening at Rheged 10th May. Tickets are still available - see here

A 40-minute edit of the film and a Q&A session with Terry Abraham take place at the Keswick Mountain Festival 15th May - see here 

And an exclusive sneak preview airs at ShAFF 5th April - see here

A still from the film  © Terry Abraham
A still from the film
© Terry Abraham

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