Plas y Brenin Working with the RSPB - Gogarth

© scott sadler
Plas y Brenin instructors, Carlo Forte and Keith Ball spent yesterday removing two cameras from Mousetrap Zawn at South Stack, Gogarth on Anglesey, North Wales.

The Cameras were placed there in February for the RSPB. They feed live to video screens at the RSPB's nearby information centre in Ellin's Tower.

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17 Dec, 2009
I am fond of our feathered friends. Well done Plasy Brenong.
17 Dec, 2009
Im fond of mrs cookson
18 Dec, 2009
from RSPB website: "The cliff top camera project would not have been possible without the aid of funding from the AONB Environment Development Fund who provided £8000, and Environment Wales, who provided £4,250, towards the project. This money has been instrumental in helping to purchase the necessary equipment that will be installed on site." That sounds like a hell of a lot of money for a couple of cameras.
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