Weather Craps Out For Parnell and Kirkpatrick

© Andy Kirkpatrick
Andy Kirkpatrick and Ian Parnell had intentions to attempt the first winter ascent of Torre Egger by Titanic (ED+: VI 5.10b A2 90 degrees, 950m, Giarolli-Orlandi, 1987). However deteriorating weather may lead them to change their objective to Cerro Standhart (click for original report)

Ian Parnell writes, " Weather completely crapped out in the mountains for now, but we will get more supplies then head back tomorrow and wait for fingers crossed another weather window.

We are definitely beginning to ere towards Cerro Standhart not Torre Egger, weather just too scary and I guess were wimps."

See an update at:

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3 Aug, 2007
wimps? I think not!
3 Aug, 2007
since when was bad weather news...?
4 Aug, 2007
Why not just f*ck off? I know I'm drunk but I doubt I'll feel much different in the morning. The fact is I, and many others, are interested in what others are doing, its what climbing is about, people out there doing great things, even failing on things. Its all inspirng and all worth reading about for us armchair voyeurs. It may be their holiday but I'd rather read about their holiday than virtualy anything else that gets posted on this site. I'm guessing that no one has a gun to your head making you read these news items so if they are not of any interest to you why waste time and effort posting your purile comments?
4 Aug, 2007
I was drunk and I don't feel any different this morning (apart from a little hung over!) but I do feel bad about the viciousness of my opening sentence so sorry for the swearing.
4 Aug, 2007
Nice one Ian. Weather crap here..floods etc in Wales, lovely for the moment here in Sheffield, but clouds assemble. Be safe. Mick
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