John Redhead - One For the Crow Auction

© John Redhead
John Redhead has just donated a signed copy of his book ..."and one for the crow" to help the North Wales Bolt Fund. The book is being auctioned on eBay and proceeds are going to help the North Wales Bolt Fund.

Accompanying the book are the original bolts from his seminal route on the Rainbow Slab, Raped By Affection E7 6c.

"and one for the crow." is a collection of the controversial writings and sketches of John Redhead, portraying his unique outlook on life. It also contains forty-one spectacular black-and-white and 6 colour photographs of the author's climbing escapades in North Wales, by Ray Wood, Tony Loxton, Martin Crook, Dave Holmes and Dave Kendall.

Casgliad o weithiau llenyddol a darluniadol dadleuol John Redhead, yn portreadu ei ymateb unigryw i fywyd. 41 llun du-a-gwyn a 6 llun lliw ysblennydd o gampau dringo'r awdur yn Eryri, gan Ray Wood, Tony Loxton, Martin Crook, Dave Holmes a Dave Kendall.

The auction will last until the 22nd December.

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21 Dec, 2006
Just bumping this back up. The book is currently at £56 which is pretty good going, but there is still 15 hours left to make your bid for not only a copy of the ...and one for the Crow as well as the bolts from his route Raped By Affection on Rainbow Slab. So not only will you be able to tell your mates that you have a signed copy of this amazing book, but show them the photo of the route and the bolts. ....and its for a good cause
21 Dec, 2006
I'm interested (obviously) and if I'm outbid at least by bumping the thread I may raise you few quid more...
22 Dec, 2006
whats the top bid now ?
22 Dec, 2006
clickety click squid
22 Dec, 2006
It went for a bargain price of £80 to someone living in North Yorkshire. Thanks to everyone that bidded, as well as JR for providing a book and signature.
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