Climbs 40
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 216m a.s.l

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James Squire climbing 'The Bridge of Khazard Dum' (font 7c+) at Haresfield. © Beastly Squirrel

Approach notes

Turn in to the carpark from the road. Facing away from the road walk straight until you get to the fence. Turn right to walk across the field keeping the wall on your right. Follow the wall until you reach the tree line. Either; follow the path through the trees for about 100 metres and take a (slightly hidden) left hairpin (nearly a full 180 degree turn) about halfway down the valley slope then walk for 5 minutes and the crag will be on your left. Or follow the path above the trees round to the left, for a few hundred yards, before going down a small track to your right.

Absolutely beautiful views across the valley and the woods are pretty too.

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