Yorkshire Gritstone Bouldering

Yorkshire Gritstone Bouldering
Author Steve Dunning and Ryan Plews
Published Total Climbing (2008)
ISBN 0-9557508-0-9


High quality guidebook to bouldering in Yorkshire. Photo topos make it incredibly easy to locate problems.

Crags covered by this Guide
North Yorkshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Almscliff 674 Gritstone all
Bat Buttress 114 Gritstone S
Brimham Rocks 1187 Gritstone all
Earl Crag 328 Gritstone NW
Slipstones 292 Gritstone SW
The Hitching Stone 18 Gritstone all
Whitehouses 70 Gritstone S
West Yorkshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Caley Crags 658 Gritstone N
Clattering Stones 58 Gritstone NE
Dicken Rocks / Lower Gorple 81 Gritstone SW
Dovestones / Jackson's Ridge 88 Gritstone NW
Ilkley (Cow and Calf) 367 Gritstone NE
Ilkley (Rocky Valley) 181 Gritstone N
Scout 201 Gritstone SW
Scout Hut 99 Gritstone S
Shipley Glen 436 Gritstone W
Swastika Stones 47 Gritstone N
Upper Gorple 35 Gritstone W
West Chevin Boulders 83 Gritstone N
Widdop 244 Gritstone N
Woodhouse Scar 304 Gritstone SW

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